Thursday, March 8, 2018

Week 6

Week 6 has been another full and fun week, and we seem to have been involved in a great variety of things.
There is some of our Water Art on our Water Wall.

Mike King's visit on Wednesday was a highlight. His message of kindness and self esteem was well received, as were the free hats, wrist bands and bags. Some people even won a tea shirt. 

Some students were at the athletics all day on Wednesday, doing their very best and gaining some impressive placings. Others, and even some of the athletes from earlier in the day, were then at the South Otago swimming champs that evening. Phew!
On Friday we had a guest speaker, all the way from Room 5. Alec Mills came and spoke to us about his trip to Europe in January. It was very interesting and we had heaps of questions. 

We have written some insightful reports about the water cycle. Here are some excerpts:

The water cycle is when water goes round and round in a circle, or you could say a cycle. The same water has been in the world because it gets recycled and keeps on going in a cycle. Water has been on earth for lots and lots of years. Lulu.

First water evaporates into steam. Next the steam builds up into a cloud. Lastly the cloud precipitates. Precipitation is where the cloud starts to get heavy so it rains and the rain flows into a lake, stream, river or ocean and the water cycle is continuous. Ry

Condensation is when water in lakes, puddles, rivers etc starts to warm up from the blazing hot sun. The next step is evaporation when the water is too hot and it turns too little. Then it floats up and more will join it. The next step is cloud formation when the tiny water droplets finish joining together. Gabriel

The water cycle has been going for thousands of years so the water is thousands of years old. When water evaporates it gets so small you can't see it. Ashley S.

The earth needs the water cycle because without the water cycle animals, people and plants will not be able to live and earth will end up being like Mars - dark and silent. Connie.

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